8th August 2006
The Art Album is out now! You can order it from www.go64.de, or sign up as a reseller at www.csw-verlag.de. Details on the book later, we are busy.
3th July 2006
Freax Art Album goes to print in a week or so. If you wish to have your scene-related advertisement in it (parties, web communities, organizations, etc), feel free sending them to my e-mail: tomcat*tomcatpolo.hu. Use any vector format or 300 dpi CMYK raster. The book format is A4, try not using up an entire page.
23th June 2006
Hm, has it really been almost a year since I last posted news? Damn.
But there's great news, folks! With the invaluable help of Grass of CDi we have almost finished Freax Art Album, a 300 page collection of scene graphics, a great companion to Freax. Meanwhile I am still working on Volume 2., and there'll be an improved, reedited version of Volume 1. around the end of this year. Freax Art Album will hopefully be released for Assembly 2006, and immediately available from our distributors worldwide.
13th July 2005
The book can be ordered from 1st August. The list of resellers is on the front page of this website.
12th July 2005
Volume 1. is being printed! Thanks to CSW-Verlag, our publisher (also publishing GO!64 magazine). The book will be first available at the Assembly 2005 demoparty in Helsinki, 28th to 31st July. Retail price is 24.90 Euros.
23th May 2005
Translation is complete, print preparations have started. If everything goes well, it will be finished till the end of June.
08th May 2005
Hungarian to English translation will be finished this week, and we'll start preparing the book for printing. If everything goes well, and we sell enough t-shirts to the gamers at Dreamhack, we'll print the book for the Assembly at the end of July. Hooray, hooray.
12th February 2005
I've just received a very good offer for printing the book in the desired quality. A good offer in this case doesn't only mean a low unit price, but also an offer for a limited impression - 200 copies. The star of hope has just risen.
14th January 2005
Freax Vol. 1. is complete, and being translated to English. Vol. 2. is half finished, and a portion (Atari scene chapter) is already translated. Grammatic spellchecking will be done in a few weeks.
There's some more good news which I don't publish yet. It might scare good luck away. Have patience.
Ah, yeah, and there's also a new website. :)